My Story

Josh Steger began his journey as a fiber artist at a young age when he learned to knit, crochet, and sew. Josh always felt inspired by yarn and what you can make with it. It was a natural progression when he started to dye wool, spin it into yarn, and ultimately, create surface designs.

In 2013, Josh formally launched his fiber arts studio as a part buds ‘n bloom where many of his handmade designs are available for sale in the boutique. Icon Fiber Arts is named in dedication to Josh's great-grandmother Laura Murre. Grandma Murre was a fiber artist, spinner, weaver, and dyer. Laura Murre is the "icon" of fiber arts. Her legacy and accomplishments are a constant source of inspiration.

Josh is a proud member of Traveling Treadlers Fiber Arts Guild. He is an avid spinner of wool, dye artist, weaver, knitter, and loves anything connected to yarn. Josh is also the co-founder of buds 'n bloom design studio, llc. In addition to working as a fiber artist, he is also floral and interior designer. Please take some time to stop by his studio in De Pere where you will find everything related to our love of fiber art, living, home, and wedding. More information on buds 'n bloom can be found at